Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Atomic Bombs And Its Effects On The World s Top Scientists
In the morning of July 16, 1945, the very first nuclear explosion took place in Alamogordo, New Mexico. This one very specific explosion was the first test of the most damaging weapon ever known to man. These explosive devices took almost six years to research and develop. It took a team of hand selected of the world’s top scientists. This collaboration was famously known as the Manhattan Project. Less than a month after the test, President Truman dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan. These weapons were dropped only three days apart. The aftermath was so crucial it made the Japanese finally to surrender. Before there was the aspect of nuclear bombs people destroyed each other at each other stuff using conventional bombs. Casing full of explosives like Trinitrotoluene or known as TNT or ammonium nitrate. When they are detonated, conventional bombs created most of their energy in the form of a blast. This blast can go faster than the speed of sound. But imagine if uranium, plutonium, or even a hydrogen bomb was detonated. It would create a huge mushroom cloud with a vast number radioactive rays passing through destroying everything in the path. During this time of scientific discovery, Hitler had been gradually rising to power in Germany (Smalley). Hitler power made the physicist Leo Szilard and Hungarian Jew Eugene Wigner and Edward Teller became worried about the stake of their safety. So they decided to flee the country and come to America. They decided that the PresidentShow MoreRelated The Atomic Age1290 Words  | 6 PagesThe Atomic Age The Atomic Age, composed of complex and controversial issues, has forever changed our world and the way in which we live. * What were the factors leading to the dropping of the atomic bomb? The answer to this question considers events dealing with atomic energy, the Manhatten Project, and controversial issues about when, where, how, and if the bomb should have been used. 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This letter changed the course of human history, setting the stage for the development of weapons that would alter warfare forever (Primary Sources: Letter from Einstein toRead MoreThe Invention Of The Atomic Bomb1262 Words  | 6 Pagesinvention of the Atomic Bomb. Robert Oppenheimer was born on April 22, 1904 into a wealthy jewish family in New York. In the 1930’s Oppenheimer became drawn into left-wing politics. 8:15 on the morning of August 6, 1945 during the end of World War II the United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The bomb was equivalent to twenty thousand tons of TNT. The two bombings resulted in over 129,000 deaths and millions of dollars in damage. 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The use of atomic bombs began in the times of World War II, the fight between the Axis powers and the Allies. In the Axis powers the three main countries were Germany, Italy, and Japan. In the AlliedRead MoreThe Atomic Bomb Was Necessary1725 Words  | 7 Pages The Atomic Bomb was needed to be Used then, but not now Cullen J. Babcock I002 FALL 15 HIST 102 Dr. Lilia Anand American Military University Abstract The Atomic Bomb or known Atom Bomb was created by a scientist, which assembled the first bomb. He and General Leslie Graves officially and successfully tested it in New Mexico, July 21, 1945. Despite this, two refugees from Italy and Germany in the early 1940’s, Enrico Fermi and Leo Szilard were the first to ever produce a controlledRead MoreNuclear Weapons And Its Impact On The World1702 Words  | 7 Pagescreation of planes and tanks in the First World War the advancement of new technology and nation destroying weapons were not far off. With the threat of the Germans creating Wonder Weapons which could win them the war and the world we enlisted the help of defected German scientists and Americas greatest minds scientifically and military alike. With the fear of losing hundreds of thousands of troops in japan we used the first atomic bombs setting a new world standard for warfare and changing the wayRead MoreThe Manhattan Project And The Creation Of The Atomic Bomb1522 W ords  | 7 Pagesthe world’s top scientists. This endeavor was known as the Manhattan Project. Less than a month after the test, which was known as Trinity, the United States dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan, three days apart, which forced the Japanese to surrender. The story of the Manhattan Project is an abysmal subject, as is the effect of the Manhattan Project on international politics, and both will be covered in this paper. Indeed, the Manhattan Project and the creation of the atomic bomb were good things
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